By becoming a sponsor, your organization will not only have the opportunity to showcase its vision and commitment to innovation and healthcare advancement but also to directly engage with a diverse and talented community of participants from around the globe. Your support will play a crucial role in empowering these innovators to turn their ideas into actionable solutions that have the potential to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes worldwide. Among some of the key benefits that our sponsors gain are:
- Generate excitement for your brand and offerings and be showcased in all promotional media and marketing
- Witness a novel model and fast-paced approach the innovation process
- Connect with some of the best minds, talent and a diverse group of thinkers and innovators
- Excellent recruiting and networking opportunity. You get to see the best participants in action
- A first glimpse at novel ideas and projects that effectively address a variety of healthcare problems
- Future partnerships and operational support from HackMed to run their own Hackathons anywhere in the world
Reach out to us at to discuss options or fill out the form below. We’re always available to discuss the diverse sponsorship opportunities available. For a breakdown on our tiers and opportunities please download our sponsor packet for GrandHack24 here.